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12/15/20 06:59 PM #3093    

David Unger

We all could use a little "good news".  While reading  the newest forum messages, I was reminded of a story that was told at my aunt's 100th birthday party.  My Aunt Pat was the last of my mothers brothers and sisters.  After she married my Uncle Tim, they bought a farm just outside a little town called Hemlock, Michigan.  Thats on M46, about 15 miles West of Saginaw.  They lived on that farm their entire lives.  In her later years Aunt Pat got involved with a lot of church and community groups.  

It seemed like she could get along with anybody and with her quick whit, she was always welcome.  There was a young couple that had moved into Hemlock and Aunt Pat took them under her wing.  After about 3 years of trying to start a family they had become convinced it just wasn't going to happen.  Aunt Pat always encouraged them and found ways to keep them involved.  Low and behold, it did happen.  

The first person they wanted to tell was Aunt Pat.  She always liked spending some time out in her flower garden, contemplating the beauty of all the plants and savoring the taste of a good beer..  When the young couple came out in the garden and told her, there was a shout for joy.  Aunt Pat had a beer in each hand.  Upon hearing the news, she raised both arms up, shouted "Praise God", and then she brought her arms down rather fast.  She managed to spray both new parents.  That young women did a much better job of telling this story than I.  

Remember the good times, smell the flowers, and try not to spill the beer.



12/16/20 10:55 AM #3094    


Arlene Vachon (Forrester)

Thanks, David Unger for the happy tale!  Wow, Aunt Pat was a two-fisted drinker!  Way to go, Aunt Pat!!

Merry Christmas everyone and may 2021 be a much better year for all!!

12/16/20 12:01 PM #3095    


Tom O'Brien


Loved the story of your aunt. Just goes to show if you keep it up it will happen.

Here's hoping the beer keeps flowing.

12/16/20 04:23 PM #3096    

Lucia Lenhard (Johnson)

Great story, Dave! I am thinking unt Pat officiated at a prenatal baptism! Bless her heart. 

12/16/20 04:36 PM #3097    


Lorrie Olesak (Bookbinder)



... why do I feel like I'm Aunt Pat ??? 

Merry Christmas to all of my old friends from Shrine ... I don't write often, but truly enjoy this blog (again, thanx Lucia) ... may our New Year bring peace and prosperity ... and the freedom to walk in the sunshine without this crazy mask ... 

much luv to you ... L


12/16/20 04:45 PM #3098    

Janet Flick (Stickel)

Everyone needs an Aunt Pat!  Thanks for your fun story, Dave.

Merry Christmas.  indecision

12/24/20 05:37 PM #3099    

Mike Young

Oddly enough, Dave, I also had an Aunt Pat.  She was the Matriarch of our family and her place outside of Scranton, PA was the best place in the world to vacation.  While she laid down the law, it seemed to be a house free of tension, she had a wry, and sometimes biting sense of humor, but she understood kids.  She ALWAYS sent the best Christmas presents to her neices and nephews (17 of us), not because they were expensive (Very rarely) but because they were for YOU.  One year she didn't label the presents, but everyone one of us knew whom each present was intended for.  We always felt so special.  Later in life she developed Lou Gerhig's Disease and she moved in with us.  Later she had to be confined in a nursing home.  Gerry and I went to visit her,but, as she could no longer talk, she had to write everything down which was tiring.  I asked if we could get anything for her and she wrote down "Victor Mature".  We, too, were blessed to have an Aunt Pat.  I hope everyone else was, too.  Meanwhile, I wish you all the Merriest Christmas you can have, and let's make 2021 the best it can be.

12/26/20 10:41 AM #3100    

Mike Young

Happy Birthday, Bob Morgan, the "kid" in our class.  Having a birthday the day after the birthday of the "Savior of the World" is a pretty tough act to follow, but you've been up to it.  I hope you're still feeling younger than 60  and your day is full of joy as you get to spend some time with the three "M's".  Are they the M & M & M's? 

Hope everyone's Christmas was terrific and that you all have a Merry Unbirthday.

12/26/20 11:11 PM #3101    


Judy Schoen (Grewe)

Happiest Birthday Bob Morgan !   For once I am on time with Birthday Wishes ! Which reminds me my sister has a birthday tomorrow !  I'm on a roll , this covid brain is perhaps helping....hope everyone had a Blessed Christmas this year and for once I can say I'm so happy to see this year just go away!  even though there were some wonderus things that happened, there still was much sadness so it's time to look forward to betterment! Happy Twenty 21! To all 


12/27/20 12:56 PM #3102    


Tom O'Brien

A happy belated Birthday to Mr. Morgan. Seems I took Judy's place of being late on a birthday.

I hope the day was filled with joy and wishing many more to come.

Hope the cake was fresh and the ice cream was cold.


01/01/21 07:07 PM #3103    

Mike Young

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, 2021!!!!  While you don't have a tough act to follow, we have great expectations for you!!!  Let's all make 2021 a great year!!

01/08/21 07:22 AM #3104    

Mike Young

Happy Birthday, George Brown!!  Always ready to laugh.  While you're not our most senior citizen, you are our first birthday of the calendar year.  I hope that all is well with you and your loved ones in that Mickey Mouse community.  Don't you miss the snow??  Me neither.

01/08/21 10:54 PM #3105    


Tom O'Brien

Here's to Penman Brown. Happy Birthday today and formany years to come.

I have to ask, if your on here, I only knew you as Penman, Were you known as George and I missed it?

Hope the day was good and the cake and ice cream was filling.

01/09/21 12:05 PM #3106    


Mary Ann Shirk (Hribar)

Dear Classmates, 

it's about time I start responding to all the lovely messages, cards and notes you have sent.  I appreciate all your kind words of sympathy.  December was such a difficult month  After my Bob died on Decemver 2, my brother Jim died on the 9th and my dear sister Kathy died on the 20th. Her husband Joe took the bar exam with Bob and then they practiced law together for over 50 years. He was so helpful to me during Bob's bad days and now my heart is breaking for him. I lost it after Kathy died. I couldn't stop sobbing. I am still numb but functioning a little better. I am looking forward to a better New Year. I put my whole heart into raising my kids, then teaching for 35 years and then taking care of Bob. Now there is this huge void. So now I have to find a new purpose. That is my new year challenge. Wishing all of you a Happy, Blessed New Year with more laughter than tears.




01/10/21 11:06 AM #3107    


Rick Fournier

Maryann, God has a plan for you.  May you find what you need to thrive and continue to live life to the fullest.  That is my prayer for you.

01/10/21 12:54 PM #3108    


Tom O'Brien

Mary Ann,

My heart and tears for your loses have dropped and I am truly sorry for the worst December you have suffered.

I hope this new year is especely the best for you and everyone.

With your teaching experience maybe a good plan for you would be online tuturing for the kids or for that matter some of us adults. At this point my feeling is to keep busy and your mind busy.

Perhaps that new puppy would help and if you need a quick start up and big piece of cake and ice cream would do the job.

You are always in my prayers.

01/10/21 11:47 PM #3109    

Mike Young

Mary Ann, my heart goes out to you.  You have been suffering with the trials and tribulations of Job.  It's difficult for me to image you without that wonderful smile on your face and sparkle in your eyes.  Rick and Tom have expressed what so many of us feel - our hearts and prayers are with you in this dark time.  It is especially hard when those who have helped you cope are gone, fortunately, you have your daughters and grandchildren to bolster you.  You are still Mary Ann Shirk, someone very special and someone I have always admired.  Grieve over your losses, but try and rejoice that those wonderful people were in your life to make it whole.  Anything any of us can do - you need only ask.

01/25/21 11:44 AM #3110    


Tom O'Brien

Happy Birthday to Janet and be sure the cake and ice cream are flowing freely.

Stay safe and wishes for more birthdays to com.


01/25/21 11:46 AM #3111    


Tom O'Brien

Mary Ann,

Hope your doing a bit better. The new year has come and with it the idea of a better year.

Stay safe and hope you found a puppy. that is sure to keep you busy.

Take care.

01/25/21 02:02 PM #3112    

Mike Young

Happy Birthday, Janet, the girl with a smile to warm the heart.  I hope that all is well in Florida, or at least in your household.  Is "Jaws" the biggest tourist attraction in town?  Merry Unbirthday to the rest of us. 

01/26/21 08:24 AM #3113    

Janet Flick (Stickel)


Wishing you a most happy birthday.  Miss your smiling face.  Do something special on your day.


01/29/21 12:23 AM #3114    

Mike Young

Happy Birthday, Gayle Walker.  We hope life in Chicago is going well for you and Wally.  The invitation to come to Pinehurst and play some golf still stands.  I felt that you were far more mature than the rest of us - that you knew much more than we did.  You seemed more emotionally secure, too. A also recall when you, Alan, Pam and I went to Big Boy's, then asked for a knife with our order.  The guy on the other end of the speaker didn't know what to do.  Alan then explained that we had a birthday cake and needed a knife to cut it.  He sent the knife with the car hop (Long time since I've thought about car hops - how life has changed.) and we sent him some cake.  have some cake today.  Sorry, O'B, but cake fits in to my relationship with Gayle.

01/30/21 09:21 AM #3115    

Mike Young

Happy Birthday, Scotty, inventor of floor hockey.  You are the only one I know to have actually had an assist playing it.  We hope that all is well with you and your talented family.  Have the young ladies been able to compete during this crisis?  Hope to see you in August. Bring your quick, off-the-wall humor with you, please.

01/31/21 11:21 PM #3116    


Tom O'Brien

Happy belated birthdays to Gayle and Tom Scott.

Hope your days were full of fun, love, joy and most importantly  good cake and ice cream.

Sounds like  Gale may have received a double dose with one coming from Mike.

Stay safe to all and keep healthy.


02/04/21 09:30 AM #3117    

Mike Young

Happy Birthday, Loretta, the girl whose smile always reached her eyes, we hope that you are still sharing your smiles and that all is well with you and those special to you.  Give some thought to joining us for our Reunion/Golf outing this August - we could all use some extra smiles and your quick wit.

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